2 Dog Sledding Races of 40 and 100 miles!

February 1st, 2025 from La Sarre, in Abitibi-Ouest
Great moments for the whole family! Come discover the wonderful world of dog sledding!

Watch live departures and arrivals!









With 40 mushers, 360 sled dogs, 161 km of trails, 3 municipalities and 1 town join together so that you can live a thrilling experience during the very first edition of the PG Expédition Abitibi on February 18, 2023!

Races that will start in La Sarre at the Equestrian Park making its way through Dupuy, Clerval and La Reine; looping back to La Sarre. Great moments for the whole family! Come discover the wonderful world of dog sledding!

Two races, two adventures!

40 miles (65 Km)

This race will begin at the Equestrian Park in La Sarre, making its way to the village of Dupuy, going around the outskirts of the village and returning the same way back.

100 miles (161 Km)

This race will begin at the Equestrian Park in La Sarre, making its way through the village of Dupuy, going up to Clerval, jumping on Abitibi Lake and finally heading to the village of La Reine. After a 4-hour check point in La Reine so the handlers and mushers can get lunch and everyone (dogs and mushers) can get a well-deserved rest, the mushers and their team of dogs will make their way back, but in reverse.

All races are timed, supervised and race officials will make their way through the trails making sure that everything runs smoothly and safely.

President’s word

M. Pierre Germain

It’s probably been a good 10 years since the very first moment I thought about organizing a dog sled race, right here, in La Sarre, Abitibi-Ouest. After participating in many different races outside of Abitibi, I told myself that we had the best spot to organise our own.  We have everything it takes to make sure that people from all around experience an out of this world experience.

First, we have kilometers and kilometers of wide-open spaces and breathtaking landscapes.  We have wonderful trails in our forests where we can admire beautiful landscapes.

Our huge Abitibi Lake is our proud jewel and the perfect occasion to share this infinite feeling of freedom with mushers from all around Canada and the United States.

During the race, we will visit four Abitibi-Ouest municipalities, namely La Sarre, Dupuy, Clerval and La Reine. Since the very first conversations, these municipalities have been enchanted with the concept and have asked us how they could help us and get involved. The goal of this race, as well, is to implicate people from around here and create a sense of belonging.  It’s important to show people that we are proud to live in Abitibi. I want experienced Mushers from all over the province, to get to know our beautiful Abitibi and its tremendous landscapes by going through a 160 km course. The course will take them through four municipalities, through forests, lands and on our famous lake… the best way to discover Abitibi-Ouest.

Since there are always fewer winter activities, this race will have a certain financial impact on our local economy during a period that is normally a bit slower.


My little bit of happiness

This connection that I have with nature brings me an incredible sense of freedom and well-being.

When I go for a ride with my dogs or take care of them, I forget all my worries and I live in the moment. 

When I need a little boost of energy, I leave with my sled …… It’s the best therapy that I know of. 

A wonderful team


Being a non-profit organization, a board of directors was quickly established around Pierre so that each individual may bring its own expertise and a willingness to contribute to such an amazing and unique event in our region.


  • President : Pierre Germain
  • Vice-president : Jasmin Mercier
  • Treasurer : Sylvie Germain
  • Secretary : Sonia Bouchard
  • Administrator : Lyne Rochette
  • Administrator : Simon Royer
  • Administrator : Annick Létourneau
  • Administrator : Cindy Veillette
  • Sponsorships : Sylvain Trudel
  • In charge of Mushers : To be determined


As time goes by, the initial group will be adding on many volunteers as the anticipated weekend race gets closer. Thanks to everyone’s generous and precious collaboration, we will make sure that this event is nothing but a success.


Our precious sponsors

A huge thank you to people who strongly believe in showing off or little corner of paradise, in creating major events and who proudly believe in all the great people of Abitibi-Ouest.

To you, helping accomplish huge dreams… to you, supporting this great adventure financially or by providing the equipment that we need… without you, none of this would even be possible…

Together, we are stronger!

Join us!

Race registration

Registration deadline: January 29, 2025 at 5 PM

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